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Saint Paul Tabernacle Baptist Church
Youth Ministry
Our youth ministry empowers children of all ages to become disciples of Jesus Christ through Bible study, and plan special outings all over the Bay area.
Sunday School
Sunday is to study God's words, to build up the faith of the saints, and encourage the faith of all members for God's Kingdom
Sunday School @ 9:00am
Bible Study
Outreach Ministry
The prayer line available Mon-Fri 6:00 A.M. Dial-in
#: 1-712-770-4010, and enter code: 512552#. Once you are connected, you are welcome to pray or ask for prayer!
The Outreach ministry is for everyone! This ministry works to minister to those in need through street ministry; food pantry, and clothes distribution.
Mission Ministry
Mission is that spiritual work of the church which proposes to make Jesus Christ known to mankind.
The Diaconate assists the Pastor in ministry by visiting the sick and shut-in members, administering communion, assisting with baptism, and teach in different ministries.
Our choir, and male choir all are lead by the holy spiritual and to express our love for Jesus Christ through music.
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