Saint Paul Tabernacle Baptist Church
BIBLE-BASED: That the Bible is the basis for our growth, health and well-being as a member in the church, and in the body of Christ. It is the “norm” and the standard for our conduct, actions, and deeds for everyday living. Psalms 119: 11, 105.
WORSHIP: That the worship experience will be spiritual, informative, impressive, and convincing in substantiating that Jesus Christ is Lord of all areas of our lives. Matthew 22:39, John 13:34
NURTURED: That you will be loved, helped and cared for in all areas of your life as stated in the Bible. Matthew 22:39, John 13:34
GIFTS: That we will help you to discover, develop and deploy your biblical, spiritual gifts to be used in participation in an active ministry at Saint Paul to serve your neighbors. Romans 12:1
PRINCIPLES: That we will help you to learn the Biblical principles that you will become tithers of obedience and that you will become an offering of love. This ministry is financed through these Biblical principles, which designates that every member is expected to learn to be a tither. Leviticus 27:30-31, Luke 11:42
GROWTH: That you will have the opportunity to grow and become a true and faithful disciple of Jesus Christ for we are a teaching church making disciples for Christ. Matthew 5:1-2
LORDSHIP: That you accept Jesus Christ as Lord of your life. I Corinthians 12:3, Revelation 22:20
AUTHORITY: That the Holy Bible will be the “norm” and standard for your actions, deeds, and conversation. Luke 21:33
MODELING: That your life is a journey to be like Jesus, becoming his disciple. Practicing His DNA (Discipling New Adults). Matthew 4:19, I Corinthians 9:19-20
SERVICE: That you use your Biblical spiritual gifts in ministry at Saint Paul and in the community to serve your neighbor. Luke 10:33, I Corinthians 16:16
FAITHFULNESS: That you learn and practice tithing and be regular in it to receive the promises of God. Matthew 12:9, Hebrews 10:25
MENTORING: That you grow to mentor another person to become a disciple of Christ as a faithful steward of God. I Corinthians 11:1-2, Philippians 3:17
COVENANT: We, the staff and leadership team, do covenant to assist members to maximize their God-given potential. So help us God! Ephesians 4:11-12, Hebrews 10:24